Volume 1, 2000
The First Fifty Years: A history of the East Yorkshire Local History Society, Jennifer Rowley
Aspects of Hull Garden Village, Jane Pietrusiak
The Bigods: A well-connected East Riding family, Roy Bygott
The Crackles family of Hull in the nineteenth century, Eva Crackles
The Royal Yorkshire Yacht Club 1847-1998 and the Humber Regattas, Arthur G Credland
Kit Brown: A Bridlington Hero, Mike Wilson
The Royal Flying Corps at Beverley, 1915-19
The Great Fire at Sledmere House, 23 May 1911, compiled and with an introduction by Stephen Harrison
Obituary: Norman Higson 1922-1999, David Neave
Book Reviews
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[Obituaries, book reviews and recent publications are now in the newsletters]
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